Casino myths

Online Casino myths

Millions of people try to catch their luck at online casinos. Virtual gambling sites have become so popular that myths have been made up about them. This is especially true of slot machines. Here are some misconceptions that are regularly trumpeted on the Internet.

No. 1: The winnings are always less than the amount spent on the slot

A common myth that is incorrect. Each virtual casino has a specific piece of software. It generates a random set of items even before the machine is run. It is up to the software to win or lose, and human intervention will “put” the entire system. The myth has been debunked many times in practice, as hundreds of thousands of people have taken down the pot at the minimum wager.

No. 2: Slots are programmed to lose

Another false claim. The developers of virtual games value their reputation. Their professionalism and objectivity were confirmed by independent experts. Online casinos are subject to regular inspections by controlling authorities. If a fraudulent scheme is detected, the organization loses its license, which is a huge loss (incomparable with the large winnings of users). Consequently, most online casinos do not violate the law, although there are exceptions.

No. 3: The bet amount determines the winnings

The machine does not identify the bet amount. The only thing the software is capable of doing is multiplying a certain number by a coefficient. The bet amount has no effect on the final winnings. This feature is always the same. However, in some slots the final winnings depend on the bet amount. When combinations are matched, the original bet is multiplied by a certain coefficient.

Casino gambler superstitions

No. 4: There are no jackpots

A big mistake to think that slot machines in virtual casinos do not generate jackpots. The myth is repeatedly debunked by users, some of whom have been fortunate enough to get rich in the tens of millions of euros. The number of jackpots cannot be high; otherwise, the online casino would be operating at a loss. Very few people manage to break the pot, but they do. Calculating the jackpot probability is a hollow exercise. The software generates numbers randomly, so when the coveted combination will fall out remains a mystery to experienced players and mathematics professors.

No. 5: The customer will not get the money even if he wins

The myth that Internet casinos “cheat” their customers by winning large sums has existed for decades. Since the founding of such institutions exaggerated rumors about the dishonesty of virtual sites in this matter. Perhaps, at the dawn of gambling in the virtual space, there were similar precedents. Today, they are not possible, but on the condition that you play on a legal resource.

Firstly, every online casino is a real entity (you can find its details on the website). Failure to pay the winnings is a criminal offence. The customer may safely apply to law enforcement agencies and the court for compensation for real or moral damages. Secondly, online gambling sites value their reputation and licence. It is less unprofitable for them to pay out a large sum to a user than to lose customers or get in trouble with the law.

Thus, there are a huge number of myths about virtual casinos. Most of them have long been debunked. Such assumptions are created with the sole purpose of reducing the number of users of online gambling resources, since the number of players via the Internet is growing exponentially.