Making money from roulette. What do I need to know?

How to make money playing roulette

Gambling activities are now actively developing and attracting the attention of gambling enthusiasts. Fans of this activity are only increasing, and in fact, there are a number of things that are sure to surprise in the future And even today, there are games that are in maximum demand not only online but also offline. For example, roulette, which became popular centuries ago and is currently in particular demand.

And often the question of developing roulette strategies and earning opportunities arises. The truth is that it’s not easy to make the game profitable, and roulette is not suitable for every player.

And there are several reasons why this is the case right now:

  1. Mathematicians haven’t been able to figure out effective winning strategies.
  2. The betting system will be useless here, even Martingale.
  3. In a real gambling house, an employee is always watching everything that happens, so it is extremely difficult, if not impossible, to cheat the system.
  4. There is almost no way to guess how the ball will fall or where it will bounce. Visual ballistics is a dubious undertaking and best not to rely on it.
  5. The game has almost no margin for error, and not everyone will be able to find it.

In other words, roulette is a game that defies even professional cheats. Of course, there are those who are lucky and can make a nice score simply by relying on their luck.

But you do need to understand why roulette is not the best game for making money in casinos.

Roulette Rules

RTP and Casino Advantage

When it comes to Return to Player, it’s about the return to player, and most often it’s a percentage. And the higher the figure, the better, but 100% is nowhere to be found.

The advantage of a gambling establishment is just the difference between 100% and RTP rate. And it is important to understand that in theory and in practice the difference can be significant.

And there are several types of roulette at the moment, and the casino’s advantage can be very different. This, too, is worth considering in advance:

  1. In French and European version – 2.7%.
  2. In the case of the French variation under the rules of La Partage, it will be only 1.35%.
  3. The American version is 5.26.

But there are also more unique kinds, where RTP can vary greatly.

Is it possible to earn on roulette?

It is also worth exploring the most common game formats and how the gameplay can be organized to increase efficiency.

Many people say that roulette online and in a real casino is very different. But the essence of the game doesn’t change; the difference is more often in the visuals, which don’t play any role.

More often than not, the game will be played on the basic types, European Roulette and French Roulette. American Roulette is not as commonly used, which is why there are two sectors – 0 and 00. That’s why the casino’s advantage is higher.

A little bit about making money in a real casino

Here a player can use all sorts of tricks to play or cheat. But this is at your own risk, as this kind of activity is punishable.

  1. Experienced players may use the dealer’s shortcomings to their advantage, and some even encourage the dealer to make more frequent mistakes.  If you interfere with an inexperienced dealer, he may be mistaken in counting.
  2. Chip theft. This is also a common practice, but it is already a clear type of fraud.
  3. Field betting scams are another type of criminal activity.

Online gambling is even worse, and here you should not even try to cheat the system. It cannot be done.