All Varieties of Poker Games

All types of poker

Poker, a game that combines skill, strategy, and a bit of luck, comes in various forms, each with its unique set of rules and appeal. From the well-known Texas Hold’em to the less common Badugi, the diversity of poker games caters to a wide range of preferences and playing styles. This article explores the popular types of poker and their fundamental rules.

Hold’em and Omaha

Texas Hold’em is arguably the most famous variant of poker, characterized by the dealing of two private cards (hole cards) to each player and five community cards placed face-up on the table. Players must make the best five-card hand using any combination of the seven cards available to them. The game proceeds in four betting rounds: preflop, flop, turn, and river. Omaha is recognized as the most popular game in spillehallen casino tournaments.

Omaha shares many similarities with Texas Hold’em but with a crucial difference: each player is dealt four hole cards, and they must use exactly two of these along with three of the five community cards to make their hand. This rule significantly increases the possibilities and makes Omaha a more action-packed game.


Seven-Card Stud was once the go-to choice for poker players before Texas Hold’em’s rise. In this game, players are dealt a mix of face-down and face-up cards over multiple betting rounds. The objective is to make the best five-card hand from the seven cards you’re dealt. There are no community cards in Stud, making it a game of precise calculation and patience.

Draw and Lowball

Five-Card Draw is poker in its simplest form, where players are dealt five cards face down and have one opportunity to exchange any number of them for new ones, followed by a betting round. It’s a game of incomplete information and reading opponents.

Lowball games invert the traditional poker hand rankings. The most common versions are Razz, where the lowest hand wins, and 2-7 Triple Draw, where players have three chances to draw and the goal is to have the lowest hand possible.

All types of poker

Chinese Pineapple

Chinese Pineapple Poker (often just “Pineapple”) is a variation where players try to make three poker hands of varying strengths simultaneously. Each player receives 13 cards to divide into a top, middle, and bottom hand, with strict rules about their relative strengths. It’s a game of careful planning and foresight.


Badugi is a unique poker variant where the best hand contains four cards of different suits and ranks. Players have three drawing rounds to try to improve their hands, making it a draw poker game. The aim is to have a “Badugi,” a four-card hand with all cards of different suits and no pairs.

Mixed Games

Mixed games, like H.O.R.S.E., rotate through different poker variants, usually changing every orbit or set time period. This format tests a player’s skills across multiple types of poker, offering a comprehensive challenge that requires adaptability and proficiency in various games.

The Most Popular Type of Online Poker

Online poker has seen an exponential rise in popularity, with Texas Hold’em reigning supreme as the most played variant. Its straightforward rules combined with the depth of strategy it requires make it appealing to both beginners and professionals. The availability of online tournaments and cash games around the clock has cemented Texas Hold’em’s status as the king of online poker.

The spillehallen casino offers a wide variety of poker experiences, from those who prefer the simple action of Texas Hold’em to those who enjoy complex strategy games such as Omaha or mixed game formats. Understanding the basic rules of these popular poker variants can enhance your appreciation of the game and broaden your playing experience.